Sunday, April 24, 2011


The Easter weekend is coming to a close. The egg hunt has happened, dinner has been eaten, games have been played, and now its time to relax. Next week will be fun, fun, fun, since it is the last week of school and I have two papers due and a group project.

But, back to Easter. On Saturday, Megan, Kane, and Daxton came in for a visit. It was fun meeting Daxton for the first time. He's five. I forgot just how little a five-year-old is. He is soooo adorable. Six of us went to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. There is so much there for little Daxton to see and do. He loved it. When I asked him what he liked best, he said, "All of it." Well said! The egg hunt was a neighborhood hunt and was fun. The Easter Bunny was there and Daxton wondered why the Easter Bunny wore tennis shoes. It was really good to see Megan again. I miss her like crazy and I cried when she left. I didn't want to let the hug go.

This morning Dave, David, and I went to church. It is a blessing to be able to go to church and worship Christ without fear of retribution. We in this country are so fortunate. When I think of all the things that Jesus has done for me, all I can do is smile and keep on saying thank you. I have sinned, but I know I can ask for forgiveness. Christ paid for my sins on the cross. What a wonderful sacrifice. I try to honor Jesus every day. I don't always succeed, but I try.

I think I'll finish today off by relaxing with my husband and doing NOTHING.

Happy Easter!

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