Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blog Fodder - Reflecting on the Final Project

I just submitted our final project draft to the forums. None of us in Group Two are cinematographers, but I'd say we didn't do too bad. Our video files are pretty large and probably need to be optimized. It took a long time to save the PowerPoint and then to "put" in Dreamweaver.

The project exceeds my expectations because our group is actually working as a group and everyone has done an equal share. None of us are experts, but as I said, it doesn't look too bad. To me, it falls somewhat short because the videos are large files and may take awhile for viewers to load. Hopefully, when the final project is made into a video for the school website, it will not take as long to load. Another neat thing about the project is the quiz within the PowerPoint. It is clickable so that if you choose a wrong answer it tells you and the same for a right answer. I'm not sure, however, if this will be able to remain in quiz format for the final video.

Helpful resources were PowerPoint 2010, a video camera, and our ability to write and coordinate the project without having to meet face-to-face. We found out that those in the group that did not have PowerPoint 2010 wasn't able to load the video. So, I loaded it since I had the software. The video camera is obvious. You can't make a video without one and luckily one of our group members had a video camera and tripod.

After some thought, I'm not sure my understanding of our audience has changed. I knew that it would be viewed by students going into the project and that has not changed. My voice for the project waivers between professional and writing for students (i.e., a semiprofessional voice that portrays knowledge, yet fun enough to entice someone to use the Writing Center.

The material the project contains is different than what I thought it would originally contain. I understand the use of multimedia and what it can do for a project. Incorporating multimedia into the project makes it more attractive and fun for those who are watching it as well as for those who made it.

I hope there is not much left to be done on the project. We may include a writing sample, but that is a question we asked our classmates to help us decide.

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