Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blog Fodder

Group Project Update

Group Two is working steadily on our final project for the semester in W390. We are writing about how a student applies and/or picked to be a peer tutor in the IUPUI Writing Center. I am NOT a fan of group projects because I want my work reflected the way I would do it, not the way someone else would. I am an older adult (well, not ancient) and I like to do things the way I like to do them. I don't think I'm alone in this thought as many people feel group projects are detrimental to their final grade.Having said that, this group is an exception. I have not met my groupmates yet, but I can see that they are of the same mind as me. They work hard and stay on target.

I feel that my voice is being heard in this project in that I wrote the first draft of the preliminary proposal, have made contacts to set up interviews, and will be interviewing Tere Molinder-Hogue on Wednesday with a few group members. Tere is the director of the Writing Center, so I am sure we will get some good assistance. Heather or Rachel plan to videotape the interview.

The project is going well. Heather did the first draft of the PowerPoint and I am very impressed with her skill. She designed the background and template in a fashion I wouldn't have thought of. Very nice work. Rachel is a good writer and tweaked the project proposal for final submission. Emily is lending her talent to the editing of all the work. I think we are a good group and the project will end nicely.

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