Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blog Fodder

It's Week 13 in my e-voice class! Time sure seems to fly!

How does my personality emerge as a constant in digital communication? Good question!

I think that my personality comes through in my blog writing. I notice that I try to write more loosely, but when I read by blog before posting, it still seems to have a professional aspect to it. And, that's where my personality comes through and remains constant. I just can seem to completely lose the business side of my personality. When I want to say "don't," I usually use "do not." It's only when I proofread my writing do I change the "do not" to a "don't."

I originally started this blog before I began taking this class and it was for the purpose of expressing myself therapeutically. A person could choose whether to read my blog or not. They could follow me or not. I really didn't care one way or another. I still don't care, but I am working on writing the way my head wants to write, not the way my fingers on the keyboard want to type. I recognize the audiences I write for and can write to those audiences without much thought. It is the personal audience I want to be more open with. I need to loosen up personally and I need a medium in which to do it. This blog fits that bill. (I wonder if I could have said that sentence more loosely??)

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