Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog Fodder

This week in class we learned about interactive media narratives. Basically, the chapter was about how video or computer games are made to keep the player involved and make choices. I have never played a game like that and really don't have a desire to do so. I'm more a Solitaire gal. I suppose Solitaire is somewhat interactive because I get to choose whether to play a card in a certain place or keeping turning over the next three cards available. Still, I don't think this is the kind of interactivity the chapter was going for.


The chapter spoke a lot about Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and how you could manipulate the main guy named CJ. I've heard that game is pretty violent, and why would I want to play a game that shows me how to steal cars and probably commit other crimes? Well, it probably is fun, but it's just not my type of game. Maybe it's an age or gender thing.

Seems I've sparked my interest in playing a game. I think I'll say good-bye and go play Solitaire City on my iPhone. Now THAT'S a game.

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