Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog Fodder - The Last One

Oh, blog fodder, why do I always want to write about something else when I'm supposed to be writing about my class? I think of brilliant things to write about when I go into the blog area and forget by the time I finish writing my class assignment. It's a true sign of either age or too much writing to do at the end of the semester. In any case, below is my last reflection that will be posted for W390 for the fall semester.

As I looked at each group's project I thought they all looked pretty good for amateur multimedia students. The topics were interesting as well. Since it is hard to come up with a topic that no one else has covered in past classes, I think we did pretty well coming up with three different topics. I don't want to begin to say who's project looks the best as I think they all look pretty good.

We all understand who our audience is -- students! So, we used our student/professional voices in creating our projects. I thought the project on the evolution of women's literature was written a little more professionally than the other two projects. Each project has a measure of multimedia in it. Most use clickable links and video. We used a feature that allowed us to give a quiz in the project. The viewer gets to choose the right answer or keep trying until he/she does. Our reviewers said that was a valuable part of the project that they enjoyed.

You know how you feel when you think something is really great and then you find out it isn't? Well, that's how I felt when I read the comments on our project. But when I think about the comments, I know they are right. Our project is a little dull in color; we could stand to jazz it up a little with brighter colors or a better background. There was a typo in the section I did! Time is running out and it was suggested that we have a writing sample or something written/interviewed by a current tutor. Yikes! I think one of the group members will take care of that. I must say that working on a PowerPoint as a group without meeting is a chore. It's too bad you can't do a PowerPoint in a wiki. Maybe you can, but we didn't do it. We all want to make changes now based on the comments, but only one of us can have the project at a time. I'm glad someone mentioned that we had too many quiz slides. I thought the same thing after I reviewed the project, but I didn't want to take away from another member's portion of the project.

All in all I have learned that not all group projects end with one person doing all the work. We truly worked as a team on this project. Each of us had skills that we brought to the table. Perhaps I won't groan as much the next time someone suggests doing a project with a team. That can be said for my professional life as well!

Cheers, Sharon, it was a really nice class! 

Facsimilee is signing off on the project blog! I'll post the link to it if I can once it's finished. Feedback is still welcome...