Monday, November 22, 2010

Quest: Day 5

Hallelujah!  My husband has joined me in losing weight.  It is so much easier to do it with someone else.  He's so diligent about it, too.  We are both using the iPhone app called "Lose It."  It keeps track of what we eat and the calories we consume.  I've done pretty good today.  I think if have less than 20 calories to consume before midnight, but I'm not going to use them.  I had to have a Caesar Salad today instead of the planned cottage cheese and pineapple.  It was left over from last week and went bad.  All in all, I did pretty good.  I'm avoiding going downstairs because there are cookies, cake, and hors d'oeuvres left over from Girl Child's 25th Birthday Bash.  Cake is my favorite food group, so I must stay away from the kitchen!

As you can probably guess, I've missed some days writing things down in my food journal.  I started AGAIN today using the Lose It program.  You have to journal in order to know how many calories you've consumed.

I almost blew it this morning when I was real sleepy.  The invisible dude on my left shoulder (he wears red and carries a pitch fork) told me to go downstairs and get one of those huge cookies from the food wagon.  I went down there, with the guise of needing to break a twenty, but the invisible dude on my right shoulder (he wears white and has wings) made it possible for all the donuts and cookies to be sold!  So, I trudged on back to my office and congratulated myself for not being able to go through with the planned purchase.

Grade:  A-

Thanksgiving is just three days away.  We're in charge of making the desserts.  AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

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