Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quest: Day 1

My Mind and Body Coach thought starting a food journal would help me see how much I'm eating and when.  It would hold me accountable for what I put in my mouth.  Studies show that it takes twenty-one days for something to become a habit, so I'm choosing this idea to become a habit.  After a full day of journaling, I think the coach is right.  I wanted to go to the vending machine for something crunchy, but the idea of writing it down made me sit my butt back in my comfy office chair and rethink the situation.  Instead, I went to the fridge and got the nice snack-sized Del Monte Fruit Naturals in mixed berry.  The juice was sweet and the fruit was crunchy.  Problem solved!

What did I put in my journal today, you ask?  
  • 7:10 a.m. Total Cereal with Craisins and Skim Milk
  • 9:20 a.m. My sweet for the day:  pumpkin pie (small slice)
  • 11:45 a.m. Leftover rigatoni (yummy)
  • 3:10 p.m. Del Monte Fruit Naturals
  • 6:15 p.m. Handful of veggie straws and handful of peanut butter pretzels
  • 6:30 p.m. Diet Pepsi and DQ Cheeseburger
Okay, not good, but not bad either.  I didn't finish the peanut butter pretzels.  Instead, I put the rest in a baggie and will eat them tomorrow when I need that crunch.  I had to break a twenty, so I forced myself to stop at DQ and get some dinner.  I was running late getting home, so why not?  I did not choose the combo meal that included the fries, so I think I did okay.  Some potato farmer probably doesn't like me right now for not choosing to eat his potato turned into fries, but my dingle dangles will thank me when I can wear a jacket that doesn't fit snug on my arms.

I took a walk today for the second day, too!

Today's grade:  B+

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