Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quest: Day 2

Busy, busy day.  Let's see how I did.

Food Journal:
  • 6:15 a.m. Breakfast burrito:  2 eggs, 1 slice American Cheese, 3 slices already cooked bacon
  • 9:00 a.m. Sweet for the day:  4 cubes of chocolate (like sectioned off in a Hershey bar) and five peanut butter pretzels saved from Day 1.
  • 1:45 p.m. Salad:  Lettuce, grilled chicken, feta cheese, banana peppers, croutons, bleu cheese dressing
  • 7:45 p.m. Polska Kielbasa, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, green beans
I ate larger meals today due to my weird schedule.  I ate lunch late and ate dinner late -- all due to appointments.  I could have cut out the bleu cheese dressing and gone for the low fat variety in my office fridge, cut out the croutons, and had less mac and cheese.

Grade:  B-

I walked to my meeting this afternoon and as of this writing, I have 6,166 steps on the pedometer.  My goal is 10,000/day, but some days the steps are just not attainable.

I got my nails done today, so that helps me feel somewhat better about my appearance.  They were looking a little bedraggled.  I discussed my hairstyle with my stylist this evening and we are looking at several different shoulder length styles.  I also spoke to the other stylist that has the haircut I have but aren't having my luck seeing.  So, I'll try drying it a different way tomorrow and see what that does.

My goal for tomorrow:  Keep trying not to eat anything after dinner.  Having no snack in the evening should help.

Life is good!

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