Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quest: Day 4

Yesterday went pretty well, I think.  I woke up this morning feeling a little bit lighter and a lot more confident in my ability to take the weight off slowly.  It's cold outside and it gets dark by 6:00, so walking at night is out of the question.  My pedometer isn't getting high marks!

What did I eat today?
  • 7:15 a.m. Total cereal with milk and dried cranberries
  • 9:20 a.m. Sweet for the Day:  three squares of chocolate with nuts
  • 12:15 p.m. Cottage cheese and pineapple, pretzels, one piece of rye bread, one slide of deli corned beef, and one piece of low-fat cheese
  • 6:00 p.m. Trailmix (handfull) while I cooked dinner.
  • 6:30 p.m. Dirty Rice with ground turkey
Grade:  B+

I could have eaten less dinner.  I should have a snack in the afternoon, but I've been too busy at work to stop.  I have yogurt and Del Monte fruit cups in my fridge, but I've not had one since last week.

Prince Williams got engaged to Kate Middleton today.  The next year will be fun watching the smut magazines take pictures of Kate like they did Princess Diana.  I just hope they are a little more kind to her considering their constant badgering led to the Princess's death.  Can't wait to see the wedding dress!

Back to food -- I think this blog and recording what I eat is helping me.  I don't want to lie to anyone who might read this blog, so I am trying to keep eating to a dull roar!

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