Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Punch or Just Forget It?

I have been to Facebook now two or three times in the last minute meaning to write something on my mind, but knowing that certain people will take it the wrong way. So, I come to the comfort of my blog page where at this point I have no followers (won't someone please follow me? hheheheheheheeee) so that I can vent. Here goes.

Pushing someone out of your life because of perceived things this person may have done without really checking to make sure they did them is not right. Can't you check your facts before condemning someone to the black sheep position in the family? The person pushed out is crying right now and it makes me want to punch someone. Punching is not something I do, but when you hurt the person I love, I feel like punching. Never mind, I won't do it. I choose to forget it and forgive. But just remember that sometimes the things people say about someone else can hurt that person and they never really forget it. I know. Someone said something to this person about ten years ago and from deep hurt and frustration the person hurt turned to something that should never have been turned to. Sticks and stone can break bones, but words can hurt really worse. People, it's time to talk to one another and stop assuming things that shouldn't be assumed.

How's that for a cryptic message? I strive not to use real names in this blog. Therapists will tell you that a good way to get something off your chest is to write a letter to the person who has hurt you, but then don't send it. That's how I went from Facebook to this blog. If I put what I wanted to put on Facebook, then my cryptic message could be seen in different ways by different groups of people and then the matter would be worse than it already is. Sheesh!

Now, I just need to decide whether to keep this post up and for how long. It just felt good to get it off my chest. For those reading, it takes a lot to make me mad. I'm not to that point, but when you mess with someone I love, well......punch or just forget about it? I choose to forget about it....for now.

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