Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Girl Child's Quest

Well, it's decided. My girl child (GC) is leaving the nest. She has decided to leave Indianapolis to strike out on her quest to find a new life in a new town where not many know her past of addiction and she won't be judged, watched constantly, or shunned by family members. This will be her third attempt at living on her own. Her first two attempts were a disaster. Although she will only be eighty miles away, it will seem like three times that amount to me. GC and I have been close most of her life, with the exception of most of 2009 when her life took a nose dive and I had to shut her out of my life in order for her to find her way out of the hole she dug. I think this time she'll make it. As I know from Mark 11:24, whatever I pray for and believe it will come true, it will. I've seen it happen before in her life and I know it will happen again.

So, as GC begins her quest on March 20, I begin my quest of learning to live without her living close by.

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