Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog Fodder

My W390 class is beginning our final project for the semester. Final. I love that word. I like this class, don't get me wrong! I'm just really looking forward to summer break. My husband and I moved our patio chairs out of the barn yesterday because it was warm! It's supposed to be warm all this next week, too. I'm praying that we haven't jinxed spring and bring winter back just because we got too excited about it being warm and brought the chairs out. Blame us if it does!

Now, back to Blog Fodder for the class. Our assignment is to create a multimedia project that will highlight something from the English department at IUPUI. My group has chosen to do a spot on how you sign up to be a mentor or tutor for the Writing Center. This will involve making a PowerPoint presentation using our e-voice writing skills as well as various forms of media and interviewing to complete the project.

So far, we have only met in Oncourse messaging. Since we are on spring break as of today, we will jump into the project the following week. Our proposal is due March 27. Our group is three persons - me, Emily Keck, Rachel Monk, and Heather Roushselang. We have divided up some very basic research this first week to get a feel for what is available already online and who we could interview. Since this is the only way we have communicated, it's going pretty well. We all seem to look at Oncourse e-mail on a pretty regular basis, so that helps. What I don't like about Oncourse is that I typed a nice looking document, but when I put it into Oncourse, it put all these megatags in it. I forgot to put it in the Word box first. I don't know if we'll try meeting in Second Life or not. In my opinion, it will be too much work. I'd rather either continue chatting by e-mail or find a time when we can all meet and hash out the project in more detail.

I think I might try putting everything we've all done so far into one cohesive document for all of us to see when break is over.

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