Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog Fodder

I'm in my eight week of Finding My E-Voice class at IUPUI. We are preparing to work on our second project which includes multimedia and is centered on some part of the study of English. We've been divided into three groups for this project. My group members are Rachel Monk and Emily Keck.

It appears that the three of us are available on Monday through Thursday, so it shouldn't be difficult for us to meet either in person, on chat, or in Second Life. Since we all bring something to the project, we should be able to come up with a cool presentation.

Rachel Monk has good writing skills as well as a Canon video camera and a Canon Rebel DSLR camera. Video and pictures are important to a presentation, so these are good items to have available.

Emily Keck says her strong point is writing. She has experience in editorial writing and blogging.

I can write as well, so I don't think we will have any trouble writing our presentation or our reflection papers. I have connections on campus since I work full-time there and know many faculty members. I can also get data from Information Management and Institutional Research.

I think since we all three have good writing skills and some multimedia experience, our project will not be that difficult to produce. We haven't chosen a topic yet, but I've seen what Rachel is proposing and it could work. At this time, I'm not getting any bad vibes about the project or what we may be missing in the way of experience or skills.

Stay tuned for what the answer to what we decide to do our project on!

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