Sunday, March 13, 2011

My little bird is flying the nest today..

My eyes don't want to stop crying. My daughter is leaving for Ohio today. We have never lived more than ten miles apart. But, she's leaving for a new life. One I hope that is better and more satisfying than the one she lives here. It's bad when you're trying to escape a past that others won't let you forget. So, she's moving to another state to be where people don't know her past. She's more brave than me. I wanted to move away from the pain of divorce and all the crap that goes with it, but I didn't have the courage. So, I moved from south side to the north side. My daughter has courage. I wonder where she got it from?

Here is a picture of her a few years ago.

I will miss you, Girl Child. But, I am sooo proud of you.

M-O-M-M-Y (She always spelled it when she was looking for me when she was young.)

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