Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Fodder

I have just turned in Project One for W390. The project was to write about the avatars we created and why we created them the way they are. How do they project the "voice" we want to have with those who play Second Life?

The feedback I received from my paper was very helpful. In general, the reviewers thought I had captured all the elements required for the paper, and they also suggested some additional things to incorporate. I think the ideas provided made the paper stronger and provided an answer for some lingering questions they thought of when they were reading the paper.

I read a few papers before I submitted mine to get a feel for what others were doing. I could see the voice they chose to write their papers was very much like the voice I chose for mine; that is, first person and as though I were having a conversation with you. I did not read any more papers again before working on my revision except for the three I chose to evaluate. I didn't want to take ideas from others' papers and include them in my own. I think my paper was honest to my avatar which in essence is me.

I wish I would have left better feedback for my peers.

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