Monday, January 2, 2012

Independence Day Book Two: Tangled Webs

Author: Bex Aaron
ASIN: B0056UA20W

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

Since book one ended with "To Be Continued," I guess I needed to move to book two to see who killed Carol Masterson. Except after reading the book, I still don't know who killed her. And, another resident of Haven Park has been murdered. This time it's Lance, Terri's husband. And, she is missing, too, until......well, you'll have to wait until book three is released. There are five books in this series and I intend to read them all.

As I indicated in my review of book one, Ms. Aaron seems to write as a first-time novelist. However, the simplicity of her writing makes it easy on someone who is wanting a quick read that doesn't take five pages (like Stephen King) just to tell you what someone is feeling and why. Don't get me wrong, I love Stephen King. In fact, he's one of my favorites. But, Ms. Bex's books make the reading easy, yet still getting her point across for the characters. Her style is growing on me. I'll definitely finish all five books because each one seems to end with "To Be Continued." Book two cost me $1.99. Not bad for a book. The first was free, so if her pricing continues, I will have bought a book for $8. I can handle that. Most books I get from for my Kindle are free.

This book has the town's people trying to figure out who killed Carol, then discovering Lance murdered and his wife missing. We learn more deep, dark secrets about various people and are introduced to a Laramie detective, Michael Goldman. His interview with church secretary, Marnie, is bizarre to say the least. When we are introduced to him at Lance's murder scene, you get the feeling he is FBI-type material, not the weird sex-minded person he is when interviewing Marnie. There is a little foreshadowing in this scene as you get the feeling that eventually something will happen to Marnie's husband, Evan, and she and Michael will get together. But, that's just speculation on my part!

Book three isn't ready for publication yet. I hope it comes out soon before I forget what happened in books one and two!

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